Welcome to Memories Publishing,
Home of Author Amanda Reyes
About Me....
My name is Amanda Reyes and I am a dental hygienist (and now children's book author) that has specialized in dentistry for children and special needs individuals since the year 2000. I am sincerely committed to making every child’s visit to the dentist as positive and fun as possible, which is what inspired me to write "Anthony's Toothy Teamwork Tale." I hope that this book helps your child be more comfortable with not only their first dental visit but also that it gives them the foundation and life-long commitment to dental health. When not in the dental office, I love spending time with my husband, Jorge and my son, Anthony doing a variety of things such as cooking and barbequing, hiking, bike riding, swimming, and relaxing poolside with a good book or listening to country music. I am also an avid animal lover and enjoy taking care of our three dogs, Paisley, Remi and Nala and our crazy cat, Mr. Meowgi.
Anthony's Toothy Teamwork Tale
NOW AVAILABLE !!! Click the book to purchase through Amazon or go to Barnesandnoble.com
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My Dental Home
Click the link to the left to make an appointment and become part of Our Toothy Team!!
My Dental Corner
These are some of the products that I love....
I know that they will help you and your child keep their smile healthy and happy!!
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Author's Corner
Need recommendations and assistance with publishing, logo design, website formation, formatting and launching your book?....
Contact me for help @ amandareyes12345@gmail.com